JFR Publication List

    2025 (3)    

    1. Building spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chains with diaza-nanographenes
      Xiaoshuai Fu, Li Huang, Kun Liu, João C. G. Henriques, Yixuan Gao, Xianghe Han, Hui Chen, Yan Wang, Carlos-Andres Palma, Zhihai Cheng, Xiao Lin, Shixuan Du, Ji Ma, Joaquín Fernández-Rossier, Xinliang Feng & Hong-Jun Gao
      Nature Synthesis (2025)

    2. Nonresonant Electric Quantum Control of Individual On-Surface Spins
      S. A. Rodríguez,, S. S. Gómez, J. Fernández-Rossier, and A. Ferrón
      Physical Review Letters 134, 056703 (2025)

    3. Theory of Atomic-Scale Direct Thermometry Using Electron Spin Resonance via Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
      Yelko del Castillo, Joaquín Fernández-Rossier
      Nano Letters (2025)

    2024 (6)    

    1. Exotic edge states of C3 high-fold fermions in honeycomb lattices
      Luisa Madail, Ricardo G. Dias,  Joaquín Fernández-Rossier
      Physical Review  Research 6, 043262 (2024) 

    2. Tunable topological phases in nanographene-based spin-1/2 alternating-exchange Heisenberg chains
      Chenxiao Zhao, Gonçalo Catarina, Jin-Jiang Zhang, João C. G. Henriques, Lin Yang, Ji Ma, Xinliang Feng, Oliver Gröning, Pascal Ruffieux, Joaquín Fernández-Rossier & Roman Fasel 
      Nature Nanotechnology,  19, 1789–1795 (2024) 

    3. Beyond Spin Models in Orbitally Degenerate Open-Shell Nanographenes,
      Joao Henriques, David Jacob, Alejandro Molina-Sánchez, Gonçalo Catarina, Antonio Costa, Joaquín  Fernández-Rossier
      Nano Letters 2024 (October 7)

    4. Probing spin fractionalization with electron spin resonance based on scanning tunneling microscopy
      Yelko del Castillo, J. Fernández-Rossier
      Physical Review B 110, 045145 (2024)

    5. Designer Spin Models in Tunable Two-Dimensional Nanographene Lattices
      João Henriques, Mar Ferri-Cortés, and Joaquín Fernández-Rossier
      Nano Letters 24,  11, 3355-3360 (2024)  

    6. From Heisenberg to Hubbard: An initial state for the shallow quantum simulation of correlated electrons
      B. Murta, J. Fernández-Rossier,
      Physical Review B 109, 035128 (2024)

    7. 2023 (12)

    8. Broken-symmetry magnetic phases in two-dimensional triangulene crystals
      G. Catarina, J. C. G. Henriques, A. Molina-Sánchez, A. T. Costa, and J. Fernández-Rossier
      Phys. Rev. Research 5, 043226  (2023)

    9. Strong magnetic proximity effect in van der Waals heterostructures driven by direct hybridization
      C. Cardoso, A. T. Costa, A. H. MacDonald, and J. Fernández-Rossier
      Phys. Rev. B 108, 184423 (2023)

    10. Quantum circuits to measure scalar spin chirality
      L. I. Reascos, Bruno Murta, E. F. Galvão, and J. Fernández-Rossier
      Phys. Rev. Research 5, 043087 (2023) 

    11. Anatomy of linear and nonlinear intermolecular exchange in  nanographene
      J. C. G Henriques, J Fernández-Rossier
      Physical Review B 108 (15), 155423 (2023)

    12. Nonperturbative indirect exchange in spin valley coupled two-dimensional crystals
      MR Losada, AT Costa, B Biel, J Fernández-Rossier
      Physical Review B 108 (14), 144408

    13. Exchange Interactions and Intermolecular Hybridization in a Spin-1/2 Nanographene Dimer
      N. Krane, E. Turco, A. Bernhardt, D. Jacob, G. Gandus, D. Passerone, M. Luisier, M. Juríček, R. Fasel, J. Fernández-Rossier, and P. Ruffieux
      Nano Letters 23, 20, 9353–9359 (2023)

    14. Certifying entanglement of spins on surfaces using ESR-STM
      Yelko del Castillo, J. Fernández-Rossier
      Phys. Rev. B 108, 115413 (2023)

    15. Electric‐Field‐Driven Spin Resonance by On‐Surface Exchange Coupling to a Single‐Atom Magnet
      Soo‐hyon Phark, Hong Thi Bui,  Alejandro Ferrón, J. Fernández‐Rossier, Jose Reina‐Gálvez, Christoph Wolf, Yu Wang, Kai Yang, Andreas J Heinrich, Christopher P Lutz
      Advanced Science,  p2302033 (2023)

    16. Strongly Coupled Magnon–Plasmon Polaritons in Graphene-Two-Dimensional Ferromagnet Heterostructures
      A. T. Costa*, Mikhail I. Vasilevskiy, J. Fernández-Rossier, and Nuno M. R. Peres
      Nano Lett.   23, 10, 4510–4515 (2023)

    17. Optimizing tip-surface interactions in ESR-STM experiments
      S. A. Rodríguez, S. S. Gómez, J. Fernández-Rossier, and A. Ferrón
      Phys. Rev. B 107, 155406 (2023)

    18. Preparing valence-bond-solid states on noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers
      Bruno Murta, Pedro M. Q. Cruz, and J. Fernández-Rossier,
      Phys. Rev. Research 5, 013190 (2023)

    19. Electrically detected single-spin resonance with quantum spin Hall edges
      F. Delgado, J. Fernández-Rossier
      Phys. Rev. B 107, 094406 (2023)

          2022 (7)

      1. Theory of triangulene two-dimensional crystals
        R Ortiz, G. Catarina, J. Fernández Rossier
         2023 2D Mater. 10 015015
        (Publication date: December 6 2022)

      2. Theory of intermolecular exchange in coupled spin-1/2 nanographenes
        David Jacob, Joaquín Fernández-Rossier
        Physical Review B106, 205405 (2022)

      3. One-to-one correspondence between thermal structure factors and coupling constants of general bilinear Hamiltonians
        Bruno Murta, Joaquín Fernández-Rossier
        Physical Review  E 105, L062101 (2022)

      4. Ising and XY paramagnons in two-dimensional 2H−NbSe2
        A. T. Costa, M. Costa, and J. Fernández-Rossier
        Phys. Rev. B 105, 224412 (2022)

      5. Spin-lattice dynamics simulation of the Einstein–de Haas effect
        Wynand Dednam, Carlos Sabater, André Erasmus Botha, Enrico B Lombardi, Joaquín Fernández-Rossier, Maria J Caturla
        Computational Materials Science 209,  111359 (2022)

      6. Hubbard model for spin-1 Haldane chains
        G. Catarina and J. Fernández-Rossier
        Phys. Rev. B 105, L081116  (2022) 

      7. Frustrated magnetic interactions in a cyclacene crystal
        Ricardo Ortíz Cano  Juan Carlos Sancho-García and Joaquín Fernández-Rossier
        Physical Review Materials  6, 014406 (2022)

        2021 (9)

      8. Quantum-coherent nanoscience
        Andreas J. Heinrich, William D. Oliver, Lieven M. K. Vandersypen, Arzhang Ardavan, Roberta Sessoli, Daniel Loss, Ania Bleszynski Jayich, Joaquín Fernández-Rossier, Arne Laucht & Andrea Morello
        Nature Nanotechnology 16, 1318–1329 (2021)

      9. Observation of fractional edge excitations in nanographene spin chains
        Shantanu Mishra, Gonçalo Catarina, Fupeng Wu, Ricardo Ortiz, David Jacob, Kristjan Eimre, Ji Ma, Carlo A. Pignedoli, Xinliang Feng, Pascal Ruffieux, Joaquín Fernández-Rossier, Roman Fasel, 
        Nature 598, 287 (2021)

      10. Testing complementarity on a transmon quantum processor
        Pedro M. Cruz, J. Fernández-Rossier
        Physical Review A. 104, 032223 (2021) 

      11. Renormalization of spin excitations and Kondo effect in open-shell nanographenes
        David Jacob, Ricardo Ortiz, and Joaquín Fernández-Rossier
        Phys. Rev. B 104, 075404 (2021) 

      12. Electronic and magnetic properties of VOCl/FeOCl antiferromagnetic heterobilayers
        Fayssal Mahrouche, Karim Rezouali, Zhongchang Wang, Joaquín Fernández-Rossier and Alejandro Molina Sanchez
        2D Materials, 8 045008 (2021)

      13. Gutzwiller wave function on a digital quantum computer
        Bruno Murta and J. Fernández-Rossier
        Phys. Rev. B 103, L241113  (2021)

      14. Giant magnetic exchange coupling in rhombus-shaped nanographenes with zigzag periphery
        S. Mishra , X. Yao , Q. Chen, K. Eimre , O. Groening, R.  Ortiz , M. Di Giovannantonio, JC Sancho-Garcia, J. Fernandez-Rossier , CA Pignedoli , K. Muellen, P. Ruffieux, A. Narita, R. Fasel
        Nature Chemistry 13, 581–586 (2021)

      15. Observation of Yu–Shiba–Rusinov States in Superconducting Graphene,
        E. Cortés del Río,  J. L. 
         Lado,  V. Cherkez, P. Mallet, J. Y.  Veuillen,  J. C. Cuevas, J.  M.  Gómez‐Rodríguez,  J. Fernández Rossier, I. Brihuega
        Advanced Materials 2021
        , 2008113.

      16. Extrinsic room-temperature ferromagnetism in MoS2
        Sabyasachi Saha, Manuel Bañobre-López, Oleksandr Bondarchuk, Joaquín Fernández-Rossier & Francis Leonard Deepak 
        J Mater Sci (2021),  https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-021-05916-z

        2020 (12)

        1.  Interplay between spin proximity effect and charge-dependent exciton dynamics in MoSe2/CrBr3 van der Waals heterostructures
          TP Lyons, D Gillard, A Molina-Sánchez, A Misra, F Withers, PS Keatley, A Kozikov, T Taniguchi, K Watanabe, KS Novoselov, J Fernández-Rossier, AI Tartakovskii
          Nature Communications  11, 6021 (2020)

        2. Magnetic Two-Dimensional Chromium Trihalides: A Theoretical Perspective
          D. Soriano, M. I. Katsnelson, and J. Fernández-Rossier
          Nano Letters  20, 9, 6225–6234 (2020)

        3. Optimizing quantum phase estimation for the simulation of Hamiltonian eigenstates
           P. M.  Queiroz da Cruz, G. Catarina, R. Gautier and  J. Fernández-Rossier
          Quantum Science and Technology  5, 044005 (2020)

        4. Topological Magnons in CrI3 monolayers: an itinerant fermion description
          A. Costa,  D.  Santos, N. M. R. Peres, J. Fernández-Rossier
          2D Materials    7 045031 (2020)

        5. Nonreciprocal magnons in a two-dimensional crystal with out-of-plane magnetization
          Marcio Costa, N. M. R. Peres, J. Fernández-Rossier, A. T. Costa
          Physical Review B   102, 014450 (2020)

        6. Quantum confinement of Dirac quasiparticles in graphene patterned with subnanometer  precision
          E. Cortés-del Río, P. Mallet, H. González-Herrero, J.L. Lado, J. Fernández-Rossier, J.M.  Gómez-Rodríguez, J-Y. Veuille, I. Brihuega
          Advanced Materials  June 22 2020;

        7. Magneto-optical response of Chromium trihalide monolayers: chemical trends
          A. Molina-Sánchez,  G. Catarina, D. Sangalli,  J. Fernández-Rossier
          Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8, 8856-8863 (2020)

        8. Collective All Carbon Magnetism in Triangulene Dimers
          S. Mishra, D. Beyer, K. Eimre, R. Ortiz, J. Fernández-Rossier,  R. Berger, O. Gröning , C. A. Pignedoli, R. Fasel, X. Feng, P. Ruffieux
          Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59, 12041-12047 (2020)

        9. Probing local moments in nanographenes with electron tunneling spectroscopy
          R. Ortiz, J. Fernández-Rossier
          Progress in Surface Science 95, 4 , 100595   (2020)

        10. Berry phase estimation in gate-based adiabatic quantum simulation
          Bruno Murta, G. Catarina, and J. Fernández-Rossier
          Physical Review A 101,  020302(R)  January 16 2020

        11. Magneto-optical Kerr effect in spin split two-dimensional massive Dirac materials
          G.  Catarina, N. M. R.  Peres,  J.  Fernández-Rossier,
          2D Materials 7, 025011 (2020)

        12. Excitonic magneto-optical Kerr effect in 2D transition metal dichalcogenides induced by  spin         proximity
          J. C. G. Henriques, G. Catarina, A. T. Costa, J. Fernández-Rossier, N. M. R. Peres
          Physical Review B 101, 045408  (2020)

               2019 (10)

        13. Single spin resonance driven by electric modulation of the g-factor anisotropy
          A. Ferrón, S. A. Rodríguez, S. S. Gómez, J. L. Lado, J. Fernández-Rossier
          Phys. Rev. Research 1, 033185 (2019)

        14. Designer fermion models in functionalized graphene bilayers
          Noel García-Martínez, J. Fernández-Rossier
          Phys. Rev. Research 1, 033173, (2019)

        15. Exchange rules for diradical Pi-conjugated hydrocarbons
          R. Ortiz,  R. A. Boto, N. García-Martínez, J. C. Sancho-García, M. Melle-Franco and J. Fernández- Rossier
          Nano Letters 19, 5991 (2019)

        16. Interplay between interlayer exchange and stacking in CrI3
          D. Soriano, C. Cardoso,  J. Fernández-Rossier
          Solid State Communications 299,  113662 (2019)

        17. Imaging magnetic 2D crystals with quantum sensors
          J. Fernández-Rossier
          Science 364, 935 (2019)
          Perspective on this article.

        18. Hybrid  plasmon-magnon  polaritons in graphene-antiferromagnet heterostructures
          Y. V. Bludov,  J. N. Gomes,   G. A. Farias, J. Fernández-Rossier, M. I. Vasilevskiy, N.M.R. Peres
          2D Materials,  6 045003 (2019)

        19. Tuning the exchange bias on a single atom from 1 mT to 10 T
          K. Yang, W. Paul, F. D. Natterer, J. L. Lado, Y. Bae, P. Willke, T. Choi, A. Ferrón,  J. Fernández- Rossier, A. J. Heinrich, and C. P. Lutz
          Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 227203 (2019)

        20. Enhanced lifetimes of spin chains coupled to chiral edge states
          F. Delgado , J. Fernández-Rossier
          New Journal of Physics, 21  043008 (2019)

        21.  Optical orientation with linearly polarized light in transition metal dichalcogenides
          G. Catarina, J. Have, J. Fernández-Rossier, N. M. R. Peres
          Phys. Rev. B 99, 125405 (2019)

        22. From Cyclic Nanorings to Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: Disclosing the Evolution of their Electronic Structure with the Help of Theoretical Methods
          A. Pérez-Guardiola, R. Ortiz, M. E. Sandoval-Salinas. J. Fernández-Rossier,  D. Casanova, A. J. Pérez-Jiménez, J. C. Sancho-García
          Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019, 21, 2547 – 2557

          2018 (8)

        23. Electrically controlled nuclear polarization of individual atoms
          K. Yang, P. Willke, Y. Bae, Alejandro Ferrón, Jose L. Lado, A. Ardavan, J. Fernández-Rossier, A J. Heinrich, and Christopher P. Lutz
          Nature Nanotechnology 13, 1120 (2018)
          Featured in News and Views

        24. Hyperfine interaction of individual atoms on a surface
          P. Willke, Y. Bae, Kai Yang, J. L. Lado, A. Ferrón, T. Choi, A. Ardavan, J. Fernández-Rossier, A. J. Heinrich and Christopher P. Lutz
          Science 362, 336 (2018)

        25. Van der Waals spin valves
          C. Cardoso, D. Soriano, N. A. García-Martínez, J. Fernández- Rossier
          Physical Review Letters 121, 067701 (2018)
          Highlight: Editors’ Suggestion and Cover. 

        26. Electrical spin manipulation in graphene nanostructures
          R. Ortiz, N. A. García-Martínez, J. L. Lado, Joaquín Fernández- Rossier
          Physical Review B97,  195425 (2018)

        27. Electron and Cooper-pair transport across a single magnetic molecule explored with a scanning tunneling microscope 
           J. Brand, S. Gozdzik, N. Néel J. L. Lado, J. Fernández-Rossier, J. Kröger
          Physical Review B 97, 195429 (2018)
          Highlight: Editors’ Suggestion 

        28. Probing magnetism in 2D van der Waals crystalline insulators via electron tunneling
          Dahlia R. Klein, David MacNeill, Jose L. Lado, David Soriano, Efrén Navarro-Moratalla, Kenji   Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Soham Manni, Paul Canfield, J. Fernández- Rossier, Pablo Jarillo-Herrero
          Science 360, 1218 (2018)

        29. Real-space mapping of topological invariants using artificial neural networks
          D. Carvalho, N. A. García-Martínez, J. L. Lado,  J. Fernández-Rossier
          Physical Review . B97, 115453 (2018)

        30. Probing Quantum Coherence in Single Atom Electron Spin Resonance
          P. Willke, W. Paul, F. D. Natterer, K. Yang, Y. Bae, T. Choi, J. Fernández-Rossier, A. J. Heinrich, and C. P. Lutz
          Science Advances 4, no. 2, eaaq1543. (2018) DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aaq1543

          2017 (11)

        31. K. Yang , Y. Bae, W. Paul , F. D. Natterer, P. Willke, J. L. Lado , A. Ferrón , T. Choi, J. Fernández-Rossier , A. J. Heinrich, and C. P. Lutz
          Physical Review Letters 119, 227206 (2017)

        32. Exchange mechanism for electron paramagnetic resonance of individual adatoms
          J. L. Lado, A. Ferrón, and J. Fernández-Rossier
          Physical Review B 96, 205420 (2017)

        33. Characterization of highly crystalline lead iodide nanosheets prepared by room-temperature solution processing
          R.  Frisenda,  J. O.  Island, J. L.  Lado, E. Giovanelli, P.  Gant, P.  Nagler, S.  Bange, J.  Lupton, C.  Schüller, A.  Molina-Mendoza,  L. Aballe,  M.  Foerster, T.  Korn,  M. Nino, D.  Pérez de Lara,  E.  Pérez,  J.  Fernández-Rossier,  A.  Castellanos-Gomez,
          Nanotechnology 28, 455703, (2017)

        34. Electrical detection of individual skyrmions in graphene devices
          F. Finocchiaro, J. L. Lado, and J. Fernandez-Rossier
          Phys. Rev. B 96, 155422 (2017)

        35. Anomalous magnetism in hydrogenated graphene
          N. García-Martínez,  J. L. Lado,  D. Jacob, J. Fernández-Rossier
          Phys. Rev. B 96, 024403 (2017)

        36. Emergence of quasiparticle Bloch states in artificial crystals crafted atom-by-atom
          J. Girovsky, J. L. Lado, F. E. Kalff, E. Fahrenfort, L.J. J. M. Peters, J. Fernández-Rossier, A. F. Otte
          SciPost Phys. 2, 020 (2017)

        37. On the origin of magnetic anisotropy in two dimensional CrI3
          J. L. Lado , J. Fernández-Rossier
          2DMaterials 4, 035002 (2017)

        38. Gating classical information flow via equilibrium quantum phase transitions
          Leonardo Banchi, J. Fernández-Rossier, Cyrus F. Hirjibehedin, and S. Bose
          Physical Review Letters 118, 147203  (2017)
          Highlight: Editor's suggestion

        39. RKKY oscillations in the spin relaxation rates of atomic scale nanomagnets
          F. Delgado and J. Fernández-Rossier.
          Phys. Rev. B 95, 075413 (2017)

        40. Electronic Transport in Gadolinium Atomic-Size Contacts
          B. Olivera, C. Salgado, J. L. Lado, A. Karimi, V. Henkel, E. Scheer, J. Fernández-Rossier, J. J. Palacios, C. Untiedt.
          Phys.  Rev. B 95, 075409 (2017)

        41. Spin decoherence of adatoms on surfaces
          F. Delgado,   J. Fernández-Rossier
          Progress in Surface Science 92, 40-82 (2017)

          2016 (7)

        42. Engineering spin exchange in nonbipartite graphene zigzag edges
          R. Ortiz, J. L. Lado, M. Melle-Franco,  J. Fernández-Rossier
          Phys. Rev. B94 094414  (2016)

        43. Landau levels in 2D materials using Wannier Hamiltonians obtained by first principles
          J. L. Lado , J. Fernández-Rossier
          2DMaterials  3 035023 (2016)

        44. Competition between quantum spin tunneling and Kondo effect
          D. Jacob and  J. Fernández-Rossier
          Eur. Phys. J. B (2016) 89: 210 (2016)

        45. A kilobyte rewritable atomic memory
          F. E. Kalff, M. P. Rebergen, E. Fahrenfort, J. Girovsky, R. Toskovic, J. L. Lado, J. Fernández-Rossier, A. F. Otte
          Nature Nanotechnology 11, 926 (2016) 
          Highlights: Cover of the November issue.
          Featured in News and Views of Nature Nano Comentary & Review by Physics TodayScienceThe Economist,   Wall Street JournalEl País

        46. Centimeter-scale synthesis of ultrathin layered MoO3 by van der Waals epitaxy
          A. J. Molina-Mendoza, J. L. Lado, J. Island, M. A.  Niño, L. Aballe, M. l Foerster, F. Y. Bruno, H. S. J. van der Zant, G. Rubio-Bollinger, N. Agraït, E. Pérez, J. Fernandez-Rossier, A. Castellanos-Gomez
          Chemistry of Materials 28 (11), 4042 (2016)

        47. Topological spin waves in the atomic-scale magnetic skyrmion crystal
          A. Roldán-Molina, A. S. Núnez,  J.  Fernandez-Rossier,
          New Journal of Physics 18, 045015 (2016)

        48. Unconventional Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in hydrogenated graphene
          J. L. Lado , J. Fernández-Rossier
          2DMaterials 3, 025001 (2016)

          2015 (10)

        49. Quantum fluctuations stabilize skyrmion textures
          A. Roldán-Molina,  M. J. Santander, A. S. Núñez, J. Fernández-Rossier
          Phys. Rev. B 92, 245436 (2015)

        50. Majorana zero modes in graphene
          P. San José,  J. L. Lado,  R. Aguado, F. Guinea,  J. Fernández-Rossier
          Phys. Rev. X 5, 041042 (2015) 
          Highlights: Features in Physics

        51. Electronic properties of transition metals atoms on Cu2N/Cu(100)
          A. Ferrón,  J. L. Lado,  J. Fernández-Rossier
          Phys. Rev. B92 174407 (2015)

        52. Controlled complete suppression of Single-Atom Inelastic Spin and Orbital Cotunneling
          B. Bryant, R. Toskovic, A. Ferrón, J. L. Lado, A. Spinelli. J. Fernández-Rossier, A. F. Otte
          Nano Letters  15, 6542 (2015)

        53. Quantum Anomalous Hall effect in graphene coupled to skyrmions
          J. L. Lado, J. Fernández-Rossier
          Physical Review B 92, 115433 (2015)

        54. Edge states in graphene-like systems
          J. L. Lado, N. A. García-Martínez, J. Fernández-Rossier
          Synthetic Metals 210, 56–67 (2015)

        55. Orbital magnetization in Quantum Spin Hall nanoparticles
          P. Potasz, J. Fernández-Rossier
          Nano Letters 15, 5799 (2015) 

        56. Quantum Spin Hall phase in multilayer graphene
          N.  A. García-Martínez, J. L. Lado , J. Fernández-Rossier
          Physical Review B91, 235451 (2015)

        57. Derivation of spin Hamiltonians for Fe in MgO
          A. Ferrón, F. Delgado,  J. Fernández-Rossier
          New Journal of Physics 17, 033020  (2015)

        58. The emergence of classical behavior in magnetic adatoms
          F. Delgado,  S. Loth,  M. Zielinski,  J. Fernández-Rossier
          Europhysics Letters 109, 57001 (2015)

          2014 (6)

        59. Noncollinear magnetic phases and edge states in graphene quantum Hall bars
          J. L. Lado, J. Fernández-Rossier
          Phys. Rev. B90, 165429 (2014)

        60. Consequences of Kondo exchange on quantum spins
          F. Delgado, C. Hirjibehedin, J. Fernández-Rossier
          Surface Science 630, 337 (2014)  

        61. Magnetic edge anisotropy in graphene-like honeycomb crystals
          J. L. Lado, J. Fernández-Rossier,
          Physical Review Letters 113, 027203 (2014)

        62. Imaging of spin waves in atomically designed nanomagnets
          A. Spinelli, B. Bryant, F. Delgado, J. Fernández-Rossier,  A. F. Otte,
          Nature Materials  13, 782 (2014)
          Highlight: Cover of the journal.

        63. Quantum theory of spin waves in finite chiral spin chains
          A. Roldán,  M. J. Santander, A. S. Núñez,  J. Fernández-Rossier
          Phys. Rev. B89, 054403 (2014)

        64. Control of single spin magnetic anisotropy by exchange interaction
          J. Oberg, R. Calvo, F. Delgado, D. Jacob,  M. Moro, D. Serrate,  J. Fernández-Rossier, C. Hirjibehedin
          Nature Nanotechnology 9, 64 (2014)

          2013 (9)

        65. Large spin splitting in the conduction band of transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers
          K. Kosmider, J. W. González,  J. Fernández-Rossier
          Physical Review B88, 245436 (2013)

        66. Local probe of fractional edge states of S=1 Heisenberg spin chains
          F. Deldado, C. D. Batista, J. Fernández-Rossier
          Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 167201 (2013)

        67. Anisotropic intrinsic spin relaxation in graphene due to flexural distorstions
          S. Fratini, D. Gosálbez, P. Merodio-Camara,  J. Fernández-Rossier
          Phys. Rev. B88, 115426 (2013)

        68. Quantum Hall effect in gapped graphene heterojunctions
          J. L. Lado, J. W. González, J. Fernández-Rossier,
          Phys. Rev. B88, 035448 (2013)

        69. Single atom devices: Quantum Engineering
          J. Fernández-Rossier,
          Nature Materials 12, 480 (2013) 

        70. Topologically Protected Quantum Transport in Locally Exfoliated   Bismuth at Room Temperature
          C. Sabater, D. Gosálbez, J. Fernández-Rossier, J. G.  Rodrigo, C. Untiedt and J. J. Palacios
           Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 176802 (2013)

        71. Electronic properties of the MoS2-WS2 heterojunction
          K. Kosmider, J. Fernández-Rossier
          Phys. Rev. B 87, 075451 (2013)

        72. Graphene Single electron Transistor as a spin sensor for magnetic adsorbates
          J. W. González, F. Delgado,  J. Fernández-Rossier
          Phys. Rev. B87, 085433 (2013) 

        73. Intrinsic spin noise in MgO  magnetic tunnel junctions
          F. Delgado, K. López, R. Ferreira, J. Fernández-Rossier
          Applied Physics Letters 102, 063102 (2013)


        74. Optical control of the spin state of two Mn atoms in a quantum dot
          L. Besombes, C. Cao, S. Jamet, H. Boukari, J. Fernández-Rossier
          Physical Review B86, 165306 (2012)

        75. Impurity states in the quantum spin Hall phase in graphene
          J. W. González, J. Fernández-Rossier
          Physical Review B 86, 115327 (2012)

        76. Probing a single nuclear spin in a Silicon Single Electron Transistor
          F. Delgado, R. Aguado, J. Fernández-Rossier
          Applied Physics. Lett. 104, 072407 (2012)

        77. Spin filtered edge states in graphene
          D. Gosálbez, D. Soriano, J. J. Palacios, J. Fernández-Rossier
          Solid State Communications 152, 1469 (2012)

        78. Interplay between sublattice and spin symmetry breaking in graphene
          D. Soriano, J. Fernández-Rossier
          Phys. Rev. B85, 195433 (2012)

        79. Storage of classical bits in quantum spins
          F. Delgado, J. Fernández-Rossier
          Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 196602 (2012)

        80. Colossal Magnetic Anisotropy in Diluted Magnetic Topological Insulators
          A. S. Núñez, J. Fernández-Rossier
          Solid State Communications 152, 403  (2012)


        81. Spin-phonon coupling in single Mn doped CdTe quantum dots
          C. Cao, L. Besombes, J. Fernández-Rossier
          Physical Review B84,  205305  (2011)

        82. Inelastic Electron tunneling spectroscopy of a single nuclear spin
          F. Delgado, J. Fernández-Rossier
          Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 076804 (2011)

        83. Cotunneling theory of inelastic electron single spin spectroscopy
          F. Delgado, J. Fernández-Rossier
          Phys. Rev. B 84, 045439 (2011)

        84. Spin orbit effect in curved graphene ribbons

          D. Gosálbez, J. J. Palacios,  J. Fernández Rossier

          Phys. Rev. B 83, 115436 (2011)


        85. Spin dynamics of current driven single magnetic adatoms and molecules
          F. Delgado, J. Fernández-Rossier
          Physical Review B82, 134414 (2010) 

        86. Spontaneous Persistent Currents in a Quantum Spin Hall Insulator
          D. Soriano, J. Fernández-Rossier
          Physical Review B82,  161302 (2010), Rapid communications

        87. Optical initialization, readout, and dynamics of a Mn spin in a quantum dot
          C. Le Gall, R. S. Kolodka, C. L. Cao, H. Boukari, H. Mariette, J. Fernández-Rossier, and L. Besombes Phys. Rev. B 81, 245315 (2010)

        88. Hydrogenated graphene nanoribbons for spintronics
          D. Soriano, F. Muñoz-Rojas, J. Fernández-Rossier , J. J. Palacios
          Phys. Rev. B81, 16540 (2010)

        89. Electronic and magnetic structure of graphene nanoribbons
          J. J. Palacios,  J. Fernández-Rossier , L. Brey  and H. Fertig
          Semiconductor Science and Technology 25, 033003   (2010)

        90. Spin Torque on a single magnetic adatom
          F. Delgado, J. J. Palacios, J. Fernández-Rossier
          Physical Review Letters 104 , 026601 (2010)


        91. Theory of single spin inelastic tunneling spectroscopy
          J. Fernández-Rossier
          Physical Review Letters 102, 256802 (2009)

        92. Giant magneto resistance in ultra-small graphene devices
          F. Muñoz-Rojas, J. Fernández-Rossier, J. J. Palacios
          Physical Review Letters 102, 136810 (2009)

        93. Kondo effect in ferromagnetic nanocontacts
          R. Calvo, J. Fernández-Rossier,  J. J. Palacios, D. Jacob, D. Natelson,  C. Untiedt
          Nature  458, 1150 (2009)


        94. Single-exciton spectroscopy of single Mn doped InAs quantum dots
          J. van Brie,  P. M. Koenraad,  J. Fernández-Rossier
          Physical Review B 78, 165414 (2008)

        95. Optical Probing of spin fluctuations of a single paramagnetic Mn atom in a semiconductor quantum dot
          L. Besombes, Y Leger, J. Bernos, H. Boukari, H. Mariette, J. P. Poizat, T. Clement, J. Fernández-Rossier, R. Aguado
          Physical Review B 78, 125324 (2008)

        96. Vacancy-Induced magnetism in graphene and graphene ribbons
          J. J. Palacios, J. Fernández-Rossier, L. Brey
          Physical Review B 77, 195428 (2008) 

        97. Anistropic magnetoresistance in nanocontacts
          D. Jacob, J. Fernández-Rossier, J. J. Palacios
          Physical Review B 77, 165412 (2008) 

        98. Prediction of hidden multiferroic order in graphene zigzag ribbons
          J. Fernández-Rossier
          Phys. Rev. B  77, 075430, (2008)

        99. Performance limits of graphene-ribbon field effect transistors
          F. Muñoz-Rojas, J. Fernández-Rossier, L. Brey, J. J. Palacios
          Phys. Rev. B   B 77, 045301 (2008)


        100. VO: A Strongly Correlated Metal Close to a Mott- Hubbard Transition
          F. Rivadulla, J. Fernández-Rossier, M. García-Hernández, M. A. López-Quintela, J. Rivas, J. B. Goodenough
          Phys. Rev. B76, 205110  (2007) 

        101. Magnetism in graphene nano-islands
          J. Fernández-Rossier, J. J. Palacios
          Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 177204 (2007)

        102. Electronic Structure of gated graphene and graphene ribbons
          J. Fernández-Rossier, J. J. Palacios, L. Brey
          Phys. Rev. B.  75, 205441 (2007)

        103. Single Electron Transport in electrically tunable nanomagnets
          . Fernández-Rossier and R. Aguado,
          Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 106805 (2007)


        104.  Coherent Transport in Graphene nanoconstrictions
          F. Muñoz-Rojas, D. Jacob, J. Fernández-Rossier, J. J. Palacios
          Physical Review B 74, 195417 (2006)

        105. Electrical Control of a Single Mn atom in a Quantum Dot
          Y. Léger, L. Besombes, J. Fernández-Rossier, L. Maingault, H. Mariette
          Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 107401 (2006)

        106. Long-range spin-Qubit Interaction mediated by microcavity polaritons
          G. Quinteiro, J. Fernández-Rossier, C. Piermarocchi
          Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 097410 (2006) 

        107. Emergence of half-metallicity in suspended NiO chains: Ab-initio electronic structure and quantum transport calculations
          D. Jacob, J. Fernández-Rossier, J. J. Palacios
          Phys. Rev. B74, 081402  (2006) (Rapid Communication) 

        108. Single exciton spectroscopy in semimagnetic quantum dots
          J. Fernández-Rossier,
          Phys. Rev. B73, 045301 (2006)


        109. Anisotropic exchange interaction induced by a single photon in a semiconductor microcavity
          G. Chiappe, J. Fernández-Rossier, E. Anda, E. Louis
          Physical Review B72, 245311 (2005) 

        110. Transport in magnetically ordered Pt nanocontacts
          J. Fernández-Rossier, D. Jacob, C. Untiedt, J. J. Palacios
          Physical Review B 72, 224418 (2005)

        111. Magnetic and Orbital and blocking in Ni nanocontacts
          D. Jacob, J. Fernández-Rossier, J. J. Palacios
          Phys. Rev. B71, 220403 (2005)

        112. Tunnel Magneto-resitance in GaMnAs: going beyond Julliere formula
          L. Brey, C. Tejedor, J. Fernández-Rossier
          Applied Physics Letters 85, 1996 (2004) 

        113. Spin depolarization in the transport of holes across GaMnAs/GaAlAs/p-GaAs
          L. Brey, J. Fernández-Rossier, C. Tejedor
          Phys. Rev. B70, 235334 (2004)

        114. Ferromagnetism mediated by few electrons in semimagnetic quantum dots
          J. Fernández-Rossier, L. Brey
          Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 1172001 (2004)

        115. Influence of a uniform current on the spin wave spectrum in  ferromagnetic metals
          J. Fernández-Rossier, M. Braun, A. S. Núñez, A. H. MacDonald,
          Phys. Rev. B.69, 174412 (2004) 

        116. Coherently Photoinduced Ferromagnetism in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors
          J. Fernández-Rossier, C. Piermarocchi, P.C. Chen, L. J. Sham, and A. H. MacDonald,
          Physical Review Letters 93, 127201 (2004) 

        117. Spin separation in digital ferromagnetic heterostructures
          J. Fernández-Rossier and L. J. Sham
          Phys. Rev. B66, 073312 (2002)

        118. A theory of ferromagnetism in planar heterostructures of  (Mn,III)-V semiconductors
          J. Fernández-Rossier and L. J. Sham,
          Phys. Rev. B64, 235323 (2001)

        119. Theory of Quantum Mirages in Quantum Corrals,
          D. Porras, J. Fernández-Rossier and C. Tejedor,
          Phys. Rev. B.63, 155406 (2001) 

        120. Fermi-edge singularities in linear and nonlinear ultrafast spectroscopy,
          D. Porras, J. Fernández-Rossier and C. Tejedor,
          Phys. Rev. B63, 245321 (2001) 

        121. Comment on ``Quantum Theory of Secondary Emission in    Optically Excited Semiconductor....''
          J. Fernández-Rossier, S. Haacke and B. Deveaud,
          Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 2281 (2000) 

        122. Microscopic theory of Coherent Control and Rayleigh Scattering in GaAs Quantum Wells
          J. Fernández-Rossier, C. Tejedor, R. Merlin
          Semiconductor Science and Technology, Topical Review, 15 R65 (2000)

        123. Exciton Beats in GaAs Quantum Wells: Bosonic Representation and Collective Effects
          J. Fernández-Rossier, C. Tejedor and R. Merlin,
          Solid State Comm. 112, 597-600 (1999). 

        124. Coherent light emission from exciton condensates in semiconductor quantum wells
          J. Fernández-Rossier, C. Tejedor and R. Merlin,
          Solid State Communications 108, 473 (1998) 

        125. Spin degree of freedom in two dimensional exciton condensates
          J. Fernández-Rossier and C. Tejedor,
          Physical Review Letters 78, 4908 (1997) 

        126. Spin splitting in a polarized quasi-two-dimensional exciton gas
          L. Vina, L. Munoz, E. Perez, J. Fernández-Rossier, C. Tejedor, K. Ploog
          Physical Review B54, R8317 (1996)

        127. Polarized interacting exciton gas in quantum wells and bulk semiconductors
          J. Fernández-Rossier, C. Tejedor, L. Munoz and L. Vina
          Physical Review B54, 11582 (1996)