- 03/03 Alvaro Buendía starts as postdoc of the group at INL, under the supervision of Nuno Peres
- 21/02 New publication (3) "Building spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chains with diaza-nanographenes" in Nature Synthesis, with Joao Henriques, a collaboration with the groups of Xinliang Feng, Hong-Jung Gao. Otherwise closed shell nanographenes, functionalized with Nitrogen, become open shell, form spin chains and exhibit collective spin excitations.
- 19/02 JFR gives colloquium "An overview of magnetic 2D Materials" at Intitut Für Physics II in University of Cologne
- 17/02 Jan Phillips starts as a postdoc in the group at INL, recruited by PIMAG
- 07/02 New publication (2) "Nonresonant Electric Quantum Control of Individual On-Surface Spins" in Physical Review Letters, in collaboration with Alejandro Ferrón (CONICET, Argentina) and his team. We bring the Landau-Zener type of ideas to the realm of ESR-STM and show how to control the spin of an indivudual Fe atom on MgO using non-resonant electric pulses.
- 02/02 New publication (1) "Theory of Atomic-Scale Direct Thermometry Using Electron Spin Resonance via Scanning Tunneling Microscop" in Nano Letters, with Yelko del Castillo. We have proposed a way to use ESR-STM to measure temperature, directly. Congrats, Yelko !!.
- 29-31/01 JFR attends GEFES25 Conference in Oviedo.
- 21-24/01 Joao Henriques visits U. Alicante and gives seminar
- 21-/01 Ricardo Segundo, undergrad student from U. Nova, starts 7 week internship at the group at INL
- 12/01 Joao Henriques featured in RTP, main Portuguese TV station, on account of the Nature Nano publication from last October. Congrats Joao !!
- 3/01 Joao Henriques features in Jornal de Noticias, main Portuguese newspaper, on account of the Nature Nanopublication from last October
- 12/12 New Publication "Exotic edge states of C3 high-fold fermions in honeycomb lattices", in Physical Review Research, with Luisa Madail and R. G. Dias. We predict new types of edge states in honeycomb lattices, generalizing the paradigm of graphene to the case where there is more than one orbital per site.
- 30/11 Tianqi Zhang leaves the group, after one year as international visitor in INL
- 20/11 Joao Carlos Henriques wins the Best Oral Communication Award for a Junior Researcher in the 1st ESRA Symposium at INL
- 28/10 New Publication "Tunable topological phases in nanographene-based spin-1/2 alternating-exchange Heisenberg chains" in Nature Nanotechnology, a collaboration between the group of R. Fasel in EMPA, Xinliang Feng in TUD and my group. We have realized the alternate exchange S=1/2 spin chain using nanographenes. We find emergent S=1/2 edge spins, akin to those in Haldane chains. In addition, the excitations of the chain are triplons, whose dispersion we can describe very accurately both with DMRG calculations and analytical theory.
- 7/10 New publication "Beyond Spin Models in Orbitally Degenerate Open-Shell Nanographenes", in Nano Letters, with Joao Henriques, David Jacob, Alejandro Molina-Sánchez, Gonçalo Catarina, Antonio Costa. We have found that, when doped, some open-shell nanographenes can have orbital degeneracies in addition to spin degeneracies, making it necessary to go beyond the "spin-model" paradigm to describe their magnetic properties.
- 19/9 JFR gives a 1h invited talk " Nanographenes as building blocks for non-trivial quantum matter" (online) in the 104th IUVSTA Workshop "Current trends in low-dimensional materials:From molecular systems to heterostructured nanomaterials" in San Luis (Argentina). I should have been there, but flight cancellation led to a change of plans.
- 16/9 JFR featured in the "Stanford ranking" of 2% of most cited research in 2023, as well as in the career-long ranking. Of course, most of the citations are to papers done in collaboration with many students, postdocs and senior colleagues, to whom I am indebted.
- 15/9 Mar Ferri starts a 3 month stay at AALTO university
- 12/9 Victor Duarte, PhD student from Brasil, starts a 2 year visit at INL, to work with Nuno Peres
- 2/9-6/9 CMD-31 conference in Braga with more than 800 participants:
- JFR gives 1h semiplenary talk "Flat bands, entanglement and fractionalization in bottom-up quantum matter"
- I co-organize MC27, "Carbon-based nanostructures with engineered electronic and spin properties", together with Pascal Ruffieux, running for 2 days, in 4 sessions with 8 invited speakers and 23 contributed talks
- FUNLAYERS sponsors the INL-CMD reception, with more than 70 CMD participants visiting the lab. JFR says a few welcome words.
- Four of my PhD students ( J. Carlos Henriques, Luisa Madail, Yelko del Castillo, Mar Ferri) give talks in MC27,
- We get to meet with up to 7 of my present and past PhD students. See picture here
- 1/9 Antonio Costa starts at U. Minho as associate professor. He remains affiliated to INL as MPA
- 29/8 JFR submits ERC advanced grant
- 15/8 Daniel Failde (CESGA) starts a >2 month visit at INL
- 1/8 Tatiana Rappoport (U. Minho) joins the Rossier group as MPA. Welcome on board !
- 24/7 New Publication (3) "Probing spin fractionalization with electron spin resonance based on scanning tunneling microscopy" in Physical Review B, with Yelko del Castillo.
- 09/7 INL changes the name of the groups. Starting today, the Theory of Quantum Nanostructures is the Rossier group
- 23/6 - 28/6 JFR, Joao Carlos Henriques and Luisa Madail attend the III INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NOVEL 2D MATERIALS EXPLORED VIA SCANNING PROBE MICROSCOPY& SPECTROSCOPY (2D-SPM), in San Sebastian, Spain. JFR gives 45m invited talk "Probing entanglement and fractionalization with scanning probe microscopy". Joao and Luisa present their work in the poster session
- 20/6 FUNLAYERS mid-term review is hold at INL
- 18/6-19/6 JFR gives opening talk at the FUNLAYERS stakeholder workshop, at INL
- 06/06 JFR gives 30m keynote speaker talk "Atomic scale magnetometry with STM-ESR" in NanoSpain 2024
- 03/06 JFR gives 40m invited talk "Nanographenes as building blocks for exotic electronic states" in the On-Surface Synthesis 2024 workshop, in San Feliu de Guixols, Girona, Spain
- 06/5-10/5 Joao Carlos Henriques visits Departamento de Física Aplicada, Universidad de Alicante
- 07/5-10/5 Yelko del Castillo gives a contributed talk " Probing spin fractionalization with ESR-STM absolute magnetometry" at the Quantum Matter 2024 conference, in San Sebastian (Spain)
- 3/5 JFR gives seminar "Usando ordenadores cuánticos para resolver la ecuación de Schrödinger" in Departamento de Física Aplicada, Universidad de Alicante (Spain)
- 21-25/4. Mar Ferri and Yelko del Castillo present their works at the European School on Superconductivity and Magnetism in Quantum Materials, in Gandía (Valencia), Spain. Yelko gave a 15m talk "Probing spin fractionalization with absolute magnetometry ESR-STM". Mar presented a poster "Detection of the two-dimensional valence bond solid state with STM spectroscopy"
- 7/3 JFR and Antonio Costa submit 2 pathfinder proposals, one with INL as coordinator, the other as partner
- 1/3 Antonio Costa submits an FCT proposal
- 1/3 New publication (2) "Designer spin models in tunable two-dimensional nanographene lattices" in Nano Letters, with Joao Henriques and Mar Ferri-Cortés
- 29/2 Bruno Murta defends successfully his PhD thesis "Quantum many-body ground states via digital quantum simulation" at Universidade do Minho. Congrats Dr Murta
- 21/2 Gonçalo Catarina receives the award "Tesis de Merito ECUM" from the School of Science of U. Minho. Congrats Gonçalo !!.
- 19/2 JFR goes to Oxford to participate in PhD Viva and proposal discussions.
- 18/1 Mar Ferri goes for a 2 month stay at AALTO, in the group of Jose Lado
- 16/1 New publication (1) "From Heisenberg to Hubbard: An initial state for the shallow quantum simulation of correlated electrons" in Physical Review B, with Bruno Murta.
- 15-16/1 Joao Henriques, Antonio Costa and JFR participate in Pimag project meeting in Zurich and give three 25m talks
- 2/1-5/1 Antonio Costa gives 45 minute invited talk "Theory of Spin excitations in Van der Waals Heterostructures" in the 803 Walter Hereus Seminar "Towards Functional van der Waals Magnets by Unlocking Synergies with Orbitronics, Magnonics, Altermagnetism, and Optics", organized in the Bad Honnef Center of Physics, in Germany.
- 13/13 Leander Reascos defends successfully his Master Thesis "Quantum Simulation of spin systems on Quantum Computers " at U. Minho, and obtains the maximal grade. Congratulations !!
- 11/12 New publication (12) "Broken-symmetry magnetic phases in two-dimensional triangulene crystals", in Physical Review Research, with Gonçalo Catarina, Joao Henriques, Alejandro Molina and Antonio Costa, all members or ex-members of the TQN group. Very proud of this one: we study the properties of interacting electrons in triangulene lattices, combining a variety of different techniques. All give consistent results, portraying triangulenes as a platform for spin model engineering.
- 29/11 JFR gives talk "Usando ordenadores cuánticos para resolver la ecuación de Schrödinger" in the Universo GEFES, a cycle of talks targeting undergrad Physics students. Talk available online here.
- 22/11 New publication (11)" Strong magnetic proximity effect in van der Waals heterostructures driven by direct hybridization" with ex-TQN Claudia Cardoso, Allan Macdonald (UT Austin) and Antonio Costa. First paper with Allan since 2004. About the science: we propose a new type of spin proxmity effect based on spin-dependent hybridization. We study this for CrI3 /graphene junctions, but it is probably relevant in a much broader context.
- 26/10 New publication (10) "Quantum circuits to measure scalar spin chirality", in Physical Review Research, with Leander Reascos, Bruno Murta, and Ernesto F. Galvão. This is the core of the work of the master thesis of Leander at U. Minho. This paper is also my first paper with Ernesto Galvao, leader of the group of Quantum and Linear-Optical Computation at INL.
- 23-25/10 JFR, and a three members of the Group of Theory of Quantum Nanostructures participate in the FUNLAYERS workshop "Emergent Properties in Heterostructures" in Max Planck Institute in Halle, Germany.
- Antonio Costa gives 30m invited talk "Spin excitations in 2D van der Waals magnets and heterostructures"
- Joao Henriques and Luisa Madail present their work in the poster session (one poster each)
- 20/10 New publication (9) "Anatomy of linear and nonlinear intermolecular exchange in S=1 nanographene" with Joao Henriques, in Physical Review B. We have derived, using perturbation theory the non linear and non-linear exchange Hamiltonian for S=1 nanographenes. We finally understand the origin of the non-linear term found in our Nature 2021 paper.
- 16-20/10 JFR participates in Lorentz Center workshop on Quantum magnetic materials as chair of two discussion sessions, Leiden, The Netherlands. Very fruitful and interesting workshop
- 12-10 New publication (8) "Nonperturbative indirect exchange in spin valley coupled two-dimensional crystals", in Physical Review B, with María Losada, A Costa, and Blanca Biel (U. Granada). We provide a very thorough analysis of the Heisenberg, Ising and DM exchange mediated by electrons spin-valley coupled two-dimensional crystals, such as transition metal dichalcogenides.
- 11-10 New publication (7), "Exchange Interactions and Intermolecular Hybridization in a Spin-1/2 Nanographene Dimer", in Nano Letters. This is a collaboration with groups in EMPA (Roman Fasel & Pascal Ruffieux) and U. Zurich (Michal Juricek), as well as David Jacob. The paper provide a very deep understanding of the exchange interactions of S=1/2 phenaleny dimers on surfaces.
- 4/10 JFR and TQN member Nuno Peres featured in the 2022 "updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators" as the 2% most cited researcher in their field. JFR and Nuno were also featured in the previous two editions of the ranking. This is reflection of our great coworkers and collaborators.
- 18/9 -20/9 The group has a very strong representation in the super-interesting SPRING23 workshop, in San Sebastian, with tons of exciting new results in nanographene spin physics (and chemistry):.
- 11/9-15/9 Mar Ferri and Yelko del Castillo attend the Third Spins on Surfaces Workshop, in San Sebastian, Spain, and present their work in the poster session. Link to the group picture.
- 7/9 New publication (6) "Certifying entanglement of spins on surfaces using ESR-STM", with Y. del Castillo in Physical Review B. We show how to use STM to certify the presence of entanglement for spins on surfaces. Surface science meets quantum information, cool stuff.
- 30/8-1/9 JFR imparts 25m invited talk "Strong magnetic proximity effect in Van der Waals
heterostructures driven by direct hybridization" in "International Workshop on Superconductivity and Magnetism in Two Dimensional Films and Heterostructures", in Bath (UK).
- 19/7 New publication (5) "Electric‐Field‐Driven Spin Resonance by On‐Surface Exchange Coupling to a Single‐Atom Magnet", in Advanced Science. This is a collaboration with the experimental groups of Andreas Heinrich at IBS-QNS(Seoul) and Chris Lutz at IBM (Almaden, California), and Alejandro Ferrón at Conycet (Corrientes, Argentina). On-surface exchange can also drive single-spin resonance with STM. This enables to excite single-spins electrically, without showering the atom with electrons.
- 14/7 Jaime Santos, colleague from U. Minho and regular attendant of our group meetings, passes away. We are in shock. He will be missed.
- 10/7-14/7 JFR attends Condensed Matter in The City 2023 in London and gives 90m invited talk "Bottom-up design of quantum matter with nanographenes" [video] [slides]"
- 6-7 Antonio Costa presents gives contributed talk "Spin excitations in all-carbon nanostructures" at FyT2023 conference, in Zamora (Spain)
- 1/7 María Losada leaves the group
- 22/06 Hongjie Dai visits INL and gives colloquium talk "Carbon-based nanoscience"
- 8/6- 10/6 JFR gives 35m invited talk "Probing entanglement and fractionalization with STM-ESR" at the SP-STM 8th international conference, in Columbus, Ohio
- 29/5-1/6. JFR attends the ICE-8 conference and imparts 50m invited talk "Quantum Simulation in Quantum Computers, an introduction". Mar Ferri also attends the conference and presents a poster
- 11/5 New publication (4) "Strongly Coupled Magnon–Plasmon Polaritons in Graphene-Two-Dimensional Ferromagnet Heterostructures" in Nano Letters, with Antonio Costa, Mikhail Vasilevskiy and Nuno Peres
- 9-11/5 Ivan Brihuega (U. Autónoma de Madrid) visits the group at INL and imparts a seminar
- 19-21/4 JFR gives three lectures, one-hour long each, in the workshop CUANTOS 5, in Córdoba, Argentina.
- 7/4 New publication (3) "Optimizing tip-surface interactions in ESR-STM experiments" in Phys. Rev. B, with Alejandro Ferrón and his group in Corrientes (Argentina).
- 1/4 Gonçalo Catarina starts his postdoc at EMPA
- 27/3 Antonio Costa and Yelko Hernández present the results of the group at the DPG
- 20/3 Joao Henriques visits David Jacob at UPV/CSIC in San Sebastian (Spain)
- 20/3 New publication (2) "Preparing valence-bond-solid states on noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers" in Physical Review Research, with Bruno Murta and Pedro Cruz. This is paper number 100 since I arrived to INL
- 10/3. JFR participates in the PhD defense jury of Eva Cortés del Río, in Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
- 8/3 New publication "Electrically detected single-spin resonance with quantum spin Hall edge states ", in Physical Review B, with Fernando Delgado.
- 2/3 JFR gives the Condensed Matter Physics seminar (45m) at the Department of Physics of the University of Oxford
- 24/2 Gonçalo Catarina defends his PhD "Correlated electronic phases in low-dimensional materials"at U. Minho. Congrats, Gonçalo !.
- 1-3/2 María Rodríguez Losada gives contributed talk at GEFES, in Salamanca (Spain) presenting our work about indirect exchange in TMD. Yelko presents a poster on our entanglement certification paper in the same conference.
- 25/1 JFR imparts 30m talk "New Ideas in Magnetic 2D materials" in Funlayers workshop at INL
- 24-26/1 The kick-off meeting and the Funlayer diagnosis workshop are ran at INL. Our partners from ALBA and Max Planck visit INL, impart talks, and interact with INLers.
- 18/1 JFR, Antonio Costa and Joao Carlos Henriques participate in PIMAG project meeting at ETH, Zurich
- 13/1 This website reaches the mark of 10 years since the first post in 13/1/2013.
- 11/1 JFR imparts 4-hour class in the Master of Molecular Nanoscience at U. Autónoma de Madrid
- 1/1 FUNLAYERS project, coordinated by JFR, starts (D.O.I.). The project is a CSA twinning action that will run for 3 years, and seeks to boost INL research in the area of functional two-dimensional materials, with the help of Max Planck Institute (Halle) and ALBA (Barcelona)
- 20/12 JFR reaches the mark of 10.000 citations in Google Scholar
- 6/12. New publication (7) "Theory of triangulene two-dimensional crystals" in 2D materials, with Ricardo Ortiz and Gonçalo Catarina. We find out a variety of flat-bands, both at E=0 and finite energy, in triangulene 2D crystals
- 28/11 JFR imparts (on-line) the AALTO Colloquium on Atomic Scale Quantum Materials, "Certyifying entanglement of surface-spin arrays with STM-ESR"
- 16/11 Mar Ferri joins the group as PhD student at U. Alicante, funded by Generalitat Valenciana predoctoral contracts. Welcome on board !
- 12/11 JFR reaches the mark of h=50 in Google Scholar
- 7/11 New publication (6) "Theory of intermolecular exchange in coupled spin-1/2 nanographenes" published in Physical Review B, with David Jacob. We figure out the different mechanisms for distant electrons to talk to each other in open shell molecules
- 04/11 INL receives the visit of Portugal's prime minister Antonio Costa, Spain's president Pedro Sánchez, and the ministries of Science, Elvira Fortunato and Diana Morant
- 03/10 Joao Carlos Henriques joins PIMAG project with a 4 years PhD position
- 24/8 JFR gives 30m invited talk "Towards measurement based quantum computing with graphene triangulenes" at MOLQUEST conference, in Ascona (Switzerland)
- 14/7 Former group member Ricardo Ortiz gives talk at the Bienal Conference of the RSEF as recipient of the award to the best theoretical condensed matter physics thesis in 2021 (ex-aequo), in Murcia (Spain)
- 5-9/7 Gonçalo Catarina gives talk at the Graphene 2022 conference, in Aachen
- 1/7 Antonio T. Costa recruited as staff researcher at INL
- 24/6 New publication (5) "One-to-one correspondence between thermal structure factors and coupling constants of general bilinear Hamiltonians" in Physical Review E, with Bruno Murta.
- 23/6 JFR gives 45 invited talk "Triangulenes as building blocks for non-trivial quantum matter" at the "II Second International Conference on Novel 2D Materials Explored via Scanning Probe Miscroscopy and Spectroscopy", in San Sebastian (Spain)
- 21/6 New publication (4) "Ising and XY paramagnons in two-dimensional 2H−NbSe2" in Physical Review B, with Antonio Costa and Marcio Costa.
- 10-12/05 JFR participates in IBM quantum meeting in Zurich
- 10/05 JFR gives seminar at EMPA (Zurich) "STM-ESR: mechanisms, applications, and their relevance to probe pi magnetism"
- 9/05 JFR and Antonio Costa participate in Kick-Off meeting workshop of PIMAG project (Funded by Swiss SNF Synergia program) at EMPA (Zurich)
- 09/04 JFR gives online lecture (1h) "Quantum Materials: the challenges" in the Toddler's school of Quantum Matter.
- 14-18/03. JFR and Gonçalo Catarina present talks at APS March Meeting, in Chicago
- 28/2-2//3. JFR gives 45m invited talk "Magnetic 2D crystals: magnons and interlayer coupling" at the 3rd Condensed Matter Physics National Conference, in Lisbon
- 28/2-2/3 Gonçalo Catarina presents 15m talk "“Hubbard parent model for Haldane spin-1
chains" at the 3rd Condensed Matter Physics National Conference, in Lisbon,
- 28/2 New publication (2) "Hubbard model for spin-1 Haldane chains" in Physical Review B, with Gonçalo Catarina. We show that you can interpolate between free fermions and Haldane spin chains. Really cool stuff.
- 20/1 JFR gives 30m invited talk "Quantum magnetism in nanographenes" at the IUMA workshop at Universidad de Alicante,
- 19/1 New publication (1) "Frustrated magnetic interactions in a cyclacene crystal " in Physical Review Materials, with Ricardo Ortíz Cano and Juan Carlos Sancho-García
- 18/1 JFR participates (as coordinator) in HE Twinning submission
- 12/1 JFR imparts 4-hour class in the Master of Molecular Nanoscience at U. Valladolid
- 12/1 Ricardo Ortiz Cano receives (ex-aequo) the Award to the Best Doctoral Thesis in Condensed Matter theory from GEFES (Spanish Royal Society). Congrats Ricardo !.
- 1/1 The FCT project PTDC/FIS-MAC/2045/2021 "Exciations in 2D quantum materials", coordinated by JFR starts. The project will run for 3 years and will fund our research on magnons, excitons and plasmons in 2D materials
- 29/11 New publication (9) "Quantum-coherent nanoscience" in Nature Nanotechnology. This is a perspective article, published with 10 colleagues from some of the top institutions worldwide, trying to define what is quantum-coherent nanoscience and the role of nano in the second quantum revolution
- 16/11 JFR partner in MC-ITN proposal
- 10/11 JFR coordinates ERC-synergy proposal.
- 28/10 JFR gives invited talk "Triangulene quantum matter " (on-line) at CECAM workshop Computational materials discovery of unconventional magnets
- 13/10. New publication (8). "Observation of fractional edge excitations in nanographene spin chains", with Gonçalo Catarina and Ricardo Ortiz in my group, and in collaboration with Roman Fasel (EMPA), Xinliang Feng (TUD), David Jacob (UPV), published in Nature. Super happy about this one.
- 29/09 Ricardo Ortíz also defends his PhD thesis at Universidad de Alicante. Two students graduate in one week !. Congrats Ricardo.
- 28/09 Noel García defends his PhD thesis at Universidad de Alicante. Congratulations, Dr García
- 28/09 New publication (7) " Testing complementarity on a transmon quantum processor", with Pedro Cruz, published in Physical Review A. Testing the wave vs particle mystery with quantum computers it's tons of fun.
- 16/9 JFR gives keynote speaker opening talk "Organic Chemistry meets quantum magnetism" at NanoPortugal online conference 2021
- 03/08 New publication (6) "Renormalization of spin excitations and Kondo effect in open-shell nanographenes", in collaboration with David Jacob, Ricardo Ortiz, in Physical Review B.
- 16/7 New publication (5) "Electronic and magnetic properties of VOCl/FeOCl antiferromagnetic heterobilayers" with Fayssal Marouche and Alejandro Molina Sánchez, in 2D Materials. This was the outcome of a the hard work of Fayssal, who arrived to the group in the worst possible momentt, when covid nightmare started.
- 21/06 New publication (4) "Gutzwiller wave function on a digital quantum computer", with Bruno Murta, in physical Review B. We keep learning on how to do many body simulations with quantum computers.
- 01/06 Yelko del Castillo Hernández starts his QPI predoctoral fellowship under my supervision at INL. Welcome on board.
- 01/06 JFR partner in two Quantera proposals (phase 1)
- 25/05 JFR coordinates Pathfinder proposal
- 10/05 New publication (3) "Giant magnetic exchange coupling in rhombus-shaped nanographenes with zigzag periphery", with Ricardo, in collaboration with Roman Fasel group at EMPA, Klaus Müllen at MPI Mainz, Xinliang Feng at TUD, and many others, in Nature Chemistry.
- 03/05 JFR gives (online) 45m seminar "Quantum magnetism in bottom-up engineered nanographenes " at CAMD (DTU)
- 23/04 New publication (2) "Observation of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in superconducting graphene", in Advanced Materials, a collaboration that includes Ivan Brihuega's group at UAM and Jose Lado at AALTO.
- 12/4 JFR gives (online) 30m invited talk at ALBA workshop on 2D materials "Magnons in magnetic 2D materials"
- 6-9/4 JFR attends (online) workshop on ESR-STM organized by QNS
- 10/3 JFR submits FCT proposal
- 15-19/3 4 contributed online talks at APS March Meeting 2021, presented by Gonçalo Catarina (link), Pedro Cruz (link), Bruno Murta (link) and Ricardo Ortiz (link)
- 10-3 JFR coordinates FCT proposal
- 2/3 New publication (1) "Extrinsic room-temperature ferromagnetism in MoS2", in Journal of Material Science, with my experimental colleagues at INL, Saha Sabyasayashi , Manuel Bañóbre, Oleksandr Bonadarchuk and Leonard Sabyasachi , in Journal of Materials Science
- 11/2 FCT/Alba proposal approved, in a record time. We shall now hire a postdoc to carry out (mostly) experimental work on magnetic 2D materials at ALBA
- 4/2 We start a slack page at the group.
- 29/1 Yelko del Castillo Hernández is awarded with the Quantum Portugal Initiative predoctoral fellowship to work under my supervision towards his PhD. Congratulations Yelko
- 29/1 FCT/Alba proposal submitted
- 25/1 María Rodriguez Losada starts her PhD contract at U. Granada, under the join supervision of professor Blanca Biel and myself, funded by grant from Andalucía Region. María, welcome to the team
- 17/12 JFR gives invited (15m) talk " Magnetic 2D crystals, a fertile arena for new physics", at ALBA Synchrotron -FCT joint online meeting
- 8/12 JFR gives semi-plenary (35m) talk "CrI3, a wonder 2D ferromagnet", at JEMS2020 conference
- 26/11 New publication (12) "Interplay between spin proximity effect and charge-dependent exciton dynamics in MoSe2/CrBr3 van der Waals heterostructures", in Nature Communications, with Alejandro Molina. This is a collaboration with the group of Sasha Tartakovskii, at U. Sheffield, and other groups including Novoselov (Manchester).
- 24/11 JFR presents the main results of the group at the INL symposium
- 2/11 Jose María Gomez, collaborator from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid passes away. May he rest in peace.
- 01/11 New publication (11), "Probing local moments in nanographene with electron tunneling spectroscopy", in Progress on Surface Science, with Ricardo Ortiz Cano. Paper was accepted in April !!.
- 22/10 JFR sponsors one application to the Quantum Portugal Initiative fellowship
- 16/10 JFR featured in the top 1.2% most cited scientist, worldwide, in year 2019. Source:
- 01/10 Bruno Murta is awarded the FCT PhD fellowship.
- 22/09 New publication (10) "Topological magnons in CrI3 monolayers: an itinerant fermion description" with Antonio Costa and Nuno peres, in 2D Materials
- 19/09 Yelko del Castillo successfully presents his master thesis at Universidad de Alicante
- 18/08 New publication (9), "Optimizing quantum phase estimation for the simulation of Hamiltonian eigenstates", in IOP Quantum Science and Technology, with Pedro Cruz, Ronan Gautier and Gonçalo Catarina. This is the outcome of our first project with quantum computers, started in 2018.
- 29/07 New publication (8), on the same day (!), "Magnetic Two-Dimensional Chromium Trihalides: A Theoretical Perspective" in Nano Letters, with David Soriano and Mikhail Katsnelson
- 29/07 New publication (7) "Nonreciprocal magnons in a two-dimensional crystal with out-of-plane magnetization", in Physical Review B, with Antonio Costa and Nuno Peres.
- 15/07 Joan Sirvent starts as IUMA summer student under my supervision.
- 02/07 FET PROACTIVE project submitted
- 01/07 UA students Abel Gutierrez and Arturo Mena earn DFA summer stage fellowship and start 1 month project under my supervision
- 26/06 UA student María López presents successfully her Bachelor thesis " IMPLEMENTACIÓN DEL ALGORITMO DE GROVER EN LOS ORDENADORES CUÁNTICOS DE IBM" under my supervision.
- 25/06 UA student Jorge García presents successfully his Bachelor thesis "Exploration and implementation of quantum phase estimation algorithms"" under my supervision.
- 22/06 New Publication (6) "Quantum confinement of Dirac quasiparticles Patterned with subnanometric precision", in Advanced Materials (IF=25.8). This is a collaboration the experimental group of Ivan Brihuega at UAM and Jose Lado at AALTO. Preprint: . Press release note can be found here.
- 03/06 FET OPEN project submitted
- 14/05 New publication(5) "Magneto-optical response of Chromium trihalide monolayers: chemical trends", in Journal Of Materials Chemistry C (IF=6.6) with Alejandro Molina-Sánchez, Gonçalo Catarina and Davide Sangalli.
- 01/05 Alejandro Molina-Sánchez leaves the group to start a 5 year Ramón y Cajal tenure track position at Universidad de Valencia. Congrats !!
- 30/04 FCT project submitted
- 17/04 New publication(4) "Collective all-carbon magnetism in triangulene dimers", published in Angewandte Chemie (IF=12.3 ). This is a collaboration with the experimental group of Roman Fasel in Empa. First demonstration of inelastic cotunneling spectroscopy of triangulenes. See the open access preprint
- 08/04 I participate in PhD thesis in TDU, remotely.
- 16/03 My participation as a jury in a PhD thesis in TDU (Denmark) is cancelled (it's not even carried out on-line, due to TDU shutdown )
- 14/03 We start the STAY AT HOME period
- 12/03 We all move to on-line mode, teleworking mode, due to COVID19
- 09/03 Louis Godet, 4th year student at CentraleSupélec (Paris-Saclay) starts at 6 month stay at Alicante
- 01/03 Fayssal Marouche, PhD student from U. A.Mira Bejaia, Algery joins the group at Alicante, for a 6 month stay
- 01/03 APS March Meeting cancelled, hours before we were heading the airport, due to COVID19. Extreme disappointment, but APS did the right thing. I recorded my talk "Topological spin waves in 2D CrI3: an itinerant fermion description" and uploaded to youtube. (Work done in collaboration with Antonio Costa, D. Santos and Nuno Peres).
- 11/02 New publication (3) "Berry phase estimation in gate-based adiabatic quantum simulation", in Physical Review A, with Bruno Murta and Gonçalo Catarina. See also for the open access preprint.
- 15/1 JFR lectures in Molecular Nanoscience Master in Valencia University, Elche (Spain)
- 14/1 Fayssal Mahrouche PhD student in third year at the Physics departement in University of Bejaia, joins the group for a 7 month internship. Welcome on board !.
- 14/1 JFR coordinates submission of Marie Curie ITN proposal on "Spins for Quantum Technologies"
- 08/01 New publication (2) " Excitonic magneto-optical Kerr effect in two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides induced by spin proximity", in Physical Review B with J. C. G. Henriques, G. Catarina, A. T. Costa, and N. M. R. Peres. See also for open access preprint.
- 03/01 New publication (1) "Magneto-optical Kerr effect in spin split two-dimensional massive Dirac materials", with Gonçalo Catarina and Nuno Peres in 2D Materials. See also for open access preprint
- 18/12 New publication "Single spin resonance driven by electric modulation of the g-factor anisotropy", with Alejandro Ferrón team and José Lado, in Physical Review Research.
- 17,18/12 JFR organizes hands-on quantum computing sessions at University of Alicante with 3rd year undergrad Physics students, using IBM quantum experience platform.
- 13/12 New Publication "Designer fermion models in functionalized graphene bilayers", with Noel García, in Physical Review Research, the new open access venue of the APS.
- 28/11 JFR gives 20 m talk, overviewing the research of the group at INL yearly research symposium
- 27/11 JFR gives 30m talk "Berry phase estimation in Gate-Based Adiabatic Quantum Simulation " at 1st Worskhop on Quantum Computing and High Performance Computing at Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
- 18/11 New publication, "Emergent quantum matter in graphene nanoribbons", with R. Ortíz and J. L. Lado as a chapter in the book "Graphene nanoribbons", edited by L. Brey, P. Seneor and A. Tejeda.
- 14-11 JFR gives seminar at IST Physics Department "Towards spin qubits with magnetic adatoms"
- 14-11/ Henrique Silverio presents at IST in Lisbon his Master Dissertation "Implementation of Gate Set Tomography on Quantum Hardware". He's now a Physics Engineer. Congrats
- 6-11 Yelko del Castillo starts working on his Master dissertation under the join supervision of Carlos Sabater and myself. Welcome on board !
- 22-24/10 Mission 10.000 conference on quantum technologies and quantum materials, chaired by JFR is held at INL. More than 100 participants, 18 invited speakers, 17 contributed talks, 8 posters. Gonçalo, Alejandro, Bruno, Pedro and Henrique give contributed talks. Henrique Silverio is awarded with the best contributed talk prize.
- 14-18/10 Bruno Murta attends the Quantum Simulation and Computation conference in Madrid and presents a poster on " Berry phase estimation with gate based quantum simulation"
- 4/10 JFR sponsors 5 PhD fellowships applications in Quantum Portugal Initiative
- 1/10 JFR gives 30m keynote speaker "Novel magnetic proximity effect in vertical structures of 2D ferromagnets and graphene" at TNT2019, in San ebastian, Spain
- 20/9 JFR gives 45 m Master Class on Quantum Computing: "Using Quantum Computers to model matter" at the UT Austin-Portugal Annual Conference
- 12-15/9 Bruno Murta and Henrique Silverio participate in the Qiskit camp Europe, in Piz Gloria, Switzerland.
- 5-6/9 JFR gives 45 m invited talk in workshop "Microscopic Mechanisms for electrically driven single spin resonance " in La Laguna University, Tenerife, Spain
- 1/9 Ex-member of the group José Lado starts as assistant professor at Aalto University. Congrats to José !.
- 9/08 Alejandro Molina Sánchez is awarded with the extremely competitive Ramon y Cajal 5 year position. Congrats to Alejandro !!.
- 01/08 Iria Bolaño starts her summer internship with my group at INL, supported by Xunta de Galicia
- 31/07 New publication "Exchange Rules for Diradical π-Conjugated Hydrocarbons" in Nano Letters, a theory work with 2 PhD students in my group (Ricardo and Noel), and the groups of J. C. Sancho-García in U. Alicante and M. Melle Franco y U. Aveiro. Very proud of this one.
- 12-19/07 Alejandro Ferrón visits JFR in Alicante for collaborative research on ESR-STM.
- 10/07 JFR gives a seminar "Quantum Simulation with quantum computers" at IST, Lisbon
- 02/07 Antonio Gómez Bañón, undergrad Physics student at U. Alicante, receives an award to carry out a research project from GEFES under my supervision
- 01/07 New publication "Interplay between interlayer exchange and stacking in CrI3 bilayers" in Solid State Communications. Great work ex-postdocs of the group, with David Soriano and Claudia Cardoso
- 01-04/07 JFR, Ricardo Ortíz and Gonçalo Catarina attend the workshop Theory meets experiment in Low-dimensional structures with correlated electrons, Prague, Check republic. JFR gave a 30m invited talk "Spin correlations in graphene nanostructures probed with STM"
- 14/6 JFR gives colloquium "Magnetic 2D crystals as building blocks for new metamaterials", at the Center for Doctoral Training on Metamaterials, University of Exeter, UK.
- 7/6 New publication "Imaging magnetic 2D crystals with quantum sensors", a short perspective on Science
- 6/6 New publication "Tuning the Exchange Bias on a Single Atom from 1 mT to 10 T", in Physical Review Letters, in collaboration with IBM-QNS teams (Chris Lutz, Andreas Heinrich), and ex-members of my group Alejandro Ferrón and José Lado. The work has been featured in Physics and is an Editor's suggestion.
- 6/6 JFR gives invited talk (45 m) "CrI3 monolayers: proximity effects " at 2DMed workshop, in Valencia (Spain).
- 27-31/5 JFR gives invited talk (90 m!!) "Emergent electronic phases in graphene nanoribbons" at the QNS workshop "Quantum Spins at the Nanoscale, Recent Theoretical Advances", QNS-IBS, Ewha University, Seoul, South Korea
- 28/5 New publication "Hybrid plasmon-magnon polaritons in graphene-antiferromagnet heterostructures" available on-line in 2D Materials. In a collaboration with Nuno Peres group, we are predicting a new type of collective mode, plasmon-magnon polaritons.
- 23-24/5 JFR gives invited lecture (30 m) "Understanding CrI3 monolayers and bilayers" at the 12th European School on Molecular Nanoscience/ 7th Workshop on 2D Materials, in Elche, Spain
- 21/5 JFR gives colloquium "2D magnetic materials, a theorist perspective", at the Physics Department of Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
- 8-9/5 Gonçalo Catarina presents our work on Kerr effect in magnetic 2D Dirac materials in a talk at the Condensed Matter Physics National Conference, in Porto.
- 1/4 Alejandro Molina Sánchez starts at INL as a postdoctoral fellow in my group.
- 20/3 New publication "Enhanced lifetimes of spin chains coupled to chiral edge states" in New Journal of Physics, with Fernando Delgado
- 5/3 New publication "Optical orientation with linearly polarized light in transition metal dichalcogenides" in Physical Review B, with Gonçalo Catarina.
- 3-8/3 March Meeting madness. Gonçalo Catarina, Ricardo Ortíz, Claudia Cardoso and myself present the results of the group at APS March Meeting, in Boston.
- 11/2 Bruno Murta starts as PhD student in the group, funded by FCT project, working in quantum simulation algorithms
- 16/1 JFR lectures in Molecular Nanoscience Master in Miguel Hernández University, Elche (Spain)
- 15/1 JFR coordinates submission of Marie Curie ITN proposal on "Solid State Quantum Technologies"
- 8/1 New publication "From cyclic nanorings to single-walled carbon nanotubes: disclosing the evolution of their electronic structure with the help of theoretical methods" in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, with Ricardo Ortíz, Juan Carlos Sancho (UA) and other colleagues.
- 28/12 Claudia Carodoso gets a permanent position in CNR Modena (Italy). Congratulations !!
- 18/12 JFR imparts 3 hour training hand-on session on Quantum Computing to undergraduate Physics students at Universidad de Alicante, using IBM Quantum Experience. First time at UA, perhaps first time in Spain.
- 17/12 Pedro Cruz presents is Master Thesis at Universidade do Porto, "Digital Quantum Simulation of Few-body Hamiltonians on a Noisy Quantum Computer". This is our first quantum computing master thesis, very proud of this one. Congrats to Pedro.
- 19/11 JFR gives invited seminar "Graphene as a platform for artificial quantum matter" at EMPA, Zurich, Switzerland
- 14/11 JFR presents result of the group at the 1st INL research symposium
- 5/11 New publication "Electrically controlled nuclear polarization of individual atoms", in Nature Nanotechnology, with José Lado and Alejandro Ferrón, in collaboration with the IBM-Almaden STM group of Chris Lutz, and the QNS-IBS group of Andreas Heinrich and Arzhang Ardavan in Oxford. STM is now manipulating nuclear spins !!.
- 23,24/10 JFR organizes the IBM-QuantaLab school on Quantum Computing at INL. More than 80 participants and 15 speakers. Ronan Gautier (summer student at INL) and Pedro Cruz (master student in the group) present our first quantum computations.
- 18/10 New publication "Hyperfine interaction of individual atoms on a surface ", in Science, with José Lado and Alejandro Ferrón, in collaboration with the IBM-Almaden STM group of Chris Lutz, and the QNS-IBS group of Andreas Heinrich and Arzhang Ardavan in Oxford. STM is now probing nuclear spins !!.
- 17-20/9 JFR participates in the meeting "Defining Quantum Nanoscience", in Seoul, organized by IBS-QNS.
- 11/9 JFR gives invited talk "Towards Electrical Quantum Control of Surface Spins in the 2nd workshop on “Spins on surfaces”, in San Sebastian (Spain), September 11 (2018)
- 30/8 ERC grant submitted.
- 8/8 Gonçalo Catarina earns a PhD fellowship from FCT-Portugal. Congratulations!.
- 7/8 New publication "Van der Waals Spin Valves", in Physical Review Letters, with Claudia Cardoso, David Soriano and Noel García, selected as Editors' Suggestion
- 1/8 Ricardo Rama starts his summer internship at my group at INL, working on magnons in magnetic 2D Crystals
- 27/7 Ricardo Ortiz earns a PhD fellowship from Valencia Regional Government. Congratulations!.
- 25/7 JFR gives 30 m invited talk "Magnons in CrI3", at workshop 2018 TAMU-Princeton-Baylor Summer School on Quantum Science and Engineering, celebrating the 80th birthday of professor Lu Sham, in Casper, Wyoming (USA)
- 16/7 Ronan Gautier starts his summer internship at my group at INL working on Quantum Digital Simulation
- 15/7 Claudia Cardoso gives contributed talk "Van der Waals spin valves" at the International Conference of Magnetism (ICM), in San Francisco (CA, USA)
- 25/6 JFR gives invited talk "Probing magnetism in 2D van der Waals crystallineinsulators via electron tunneling " at the International Conference of Novel 2D materials explored via scanning probe microscopy & spectroscopy, in San Sebastian (Spain)
- 6/6 JFR gives invited seminar "Understanding magnetism in flatland" at Department of Physics of UT Austin, in Austin (TX, USA)
- 17/5 New publication (second on the same day !) "Electron and Cooper-pair transport across a single magnetic molecule explored with a scanning tunneling microscope", in Phys. Rev. B., with José Lado, in collaboration with the experimental group of Jörg Kroger, from Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany.
- 17/5 New publication "Electrical spin manipulation in graphene nanostructures", in Phys. Rev. B. with Ricardo Ortíz, Noel García and José Lado .
- 10,11/5 Claudia Cardoso and JFR give invited talks in workshop on "New Structures for Microelectronics and Spintronics", at University of Alicante, talking about van der Waals spintronics.
- 3/5 New publication "Probing magnetism in 2D van der Waals crystalline insulators via electron tunneling", in Science, with José Lado and David Soriano, in collaboration with Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, from MIT.
- 19/4 JFR and Claudia Cardoso give invited talks, presenting our research on magnetic 2D materials, at the Workshop Quantum Field Theory and Condensed Matter Physics, held at University of Minho.
- 11/4 JFR gives invited talk in the workshop of the network for 2D Materials
- 28/3 New publication "Real-space mapping of topological invariants using artificial neural networks", in Phys. Rev. B. with Diana Carvalho (summer student) , José Lado and Noel García. This is our first work using machine learning.
- 28/3 JFR coordinates submission or a INTERREG project Quantum Mission
- 15/3 JFR gives 30 keynote speaker talk at ImagineNano 2018/NanoSpain 2018 on "Van der Waals spintronics with magnetic 2D crystals", in Bilbao (Spain)
- 25/2 Ricardo Ortíz joins the group at INL
- 16/2 New publication, in collaboration with IBM Almaden and QSN-IBS (Seoul), "Probing quantum coherence in single-atom electron spin resonance", in Science Advances.
- 12/2 JFR gives 30m lecture on "Exchange rules of nanographene diradicals" in the "XVII escuela Nacional de Materiales Moleculares", in Torremolinos, Málaga, (Spain)
- 24-26/1 JFR and David Soriano participate in X GEFES Meeting, in Valencia (Spain)
- 17/1 JFR lectures in Molecular Nanoscience Master in Toledo (Spain)
- 17/1 JFR coordinates submission of Marie Curie ITN proposal on "Solid State Quantum Technologies"
- 13/12 JFR gives a lecture "Quantum computing, a hands-on crash course", at Universtiy of Minho, Braga, Portugal.
- 29/11 New publication, with José Lado, Alejandro Ferrón, and IBM Almaden and QNS-IBS (Seoul), "Engineering the Eigenstates of Coupled Spin- Atoms on a Surface", in Physical Review Letters. Very proud of our first collaboration with IBM & IBS.
- 13/11 New publication, with José Lado and Alejandro Ferrón, "Exchange mechanism for electron paramagnetic resonance of individual adatoms", in Physical Review B
- 7/11 JFR attends Q-workshop organized by IBM Zurich. It has been an amazing quantum experience. Let's get quantum ready.
- 9/10 New Publication with José Lado ,"Electrical detection of skyrmions in graphene devices" in Physical Review B
- 22/10 New publication with José Lado, in collaboration with Andres Castellanos group, "Characterization of highly crystalline lead iodide nanosheets prepared by room-temperature solution processing" in Nanotechnology
- 14-15/09 JFR gives invited talk on "Electrical control of spins on surfaces" at the Workshop "Big Ideas in Quantum Matter", held at Nijmegen to celebrate the 60th birthday of Misha Katsnelson
- 12-13/09 QuantaLab workshop 2017 takes place. David Soriano and Noel García give talks on magnetic 2D materials and graphene based qubits, respectively
- 5/09 New publication by (now ex) group member José Lado, Electrically Controllable Magnetism in Twisted Bilayer Graphene, in Phys. Rev. Lett.
- 1/09 José Lado moves to a new position as ETH postdoctoral fellow in Zurich
- 17-18/08 JFR gives invited talk at the workshop "Advances in Scanning Probe Microscopies", in Seoul, Korea
- 16/08 Claudia Cardoso joins the group at INL, as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome Claudia
- 18/07 JFR, José Lado, Noel García and David Soriano attend Workshop on Quantum Materials & Technologies, and the XXXVI Bienal, in Santiago (Spain). José Lado gave an invited talk, Noel a contributed talk and David Soriano presented a poster.
- 17/07 JFR attends the tribute meeting to José Rivas, on the occasion of his appointment as Emeritus Professor, in Santiago (Spain)
- 05/07 New publication "Anomalous magnetism in hydrogenated graphene", in Physical Review B, with Noel García, José Lado and David Jacob
- 19/06 Gonçalo Catarina, joins the group at INL, as FCT fellow (PhD student). Welcome, Gonçalo.
- 15/06 JFR participates in the final SPINOGRAPH event, in Cambridgeshire
- 14/06 New publication "Emergence of quasiparticle Bloch states in artificial crystals crafted atom-by-atom", in SciPost Phys., with José Lado, and in collaboration with the group of Sander Otte (TU Delft).
- 31/05 New publication "On the origin of magnetic anisotropy in two dimensional CrI3" in 2D Materials, with José Lado
- 19-21/05 JFR participates in the meeting of the scientific advisory board of the IBS-QNS center, Jeju, S. Korea
- 01/05 David Soriano joins the group at INL as a COFUND postdoc. Welcome David !.
- 6/04 JFR, featured on an article by El Pais on "the race towards the smallest chip" (in spanish)
- 23/03 JFR coordinates submission of UT Portugal -FCT call
- 23/03 JFR imparts invited talk "Topological phases for magnons and electrons in skyrmion lattices" (30m) at the DPG meeting, Dresden (Germany)
- 16/03 JFR imparts invited colloquium "La revolución topológica en la Materia Condensada", Universidad de Murcia.
- 15/03 JFR participates in two Quantera proposals
- 13-17/03 J. L. Lado and N. García give talks at APS March Meeting in New Orleans. In total, 6 talks with our work are presented at the APS.
- 10/03 José Luis Lado listed as "2D Materials outstanding reviewer". Congrats Jose.
- 01/03 Postdoc opening position in the group (Apply here , before April 2).
- 01/03 Zhongchang Wang starts as group leader at the Department of Quantum Materials, Science and Technology at INL. Welcome Zhongchang.
- 10/02 New publication "RKKY oscillations in the spin relaxation rates of atomic-scale nanomagnets" in Physical Review B, with Fernando Delgado
- 08/02 New Publication "Electronic transport in gadolinium atomic-size contacts" in Physical Review B
- 01/02 JFR gives keynote talk "Atomic scale electronics: from classical kilobytes to quantum bits", in NanoPortugal 2017, Porto.
- 24/01 JFR gives seminar at EPFL "Electrical control of individual surface spins"
- 19/01 José Lado gives 30 minute talk at IUMA workshop in Universidad de Alicante
- New publication "Spin decoherence of magnetic atoms on surfaces", a review paper in Progress in Surface Science with Fernando Delgado.
- 12/1 JFR coordinates submission of Marie Curie ITN proposal
- 31/12 Twitter account for QuantaLab is created
- 30/12 QuantaLab website ready
- 30/11 José Luis Lado receives from from the Solid State Physics Group of the Spanish Royal Society of Physics to the best PhD thesis in condensed matter physics for thesis presented in Spain during the academic year 2015-16. Congrats !!.
- 24/11 JFR gives Condensed Matter Physics Seminar in the Department of Physics at Oxford University.
- 10/11 JFR gives colloquium to 1st year Physics students in Universidad de Alicante "Premio Nobel 2016: Una introducción a la Física de la Materia Condensada"
- 4/11 JFR at Cantoblanco campus (Madrid) for SPINOGRAPH management and GEFES meeting.
- 3/11 JFR attends the "Tercer Foro de Tecnologías Cuánticas", at CSIC, Madrid.
- 1/11 The atomic kilobyte paper makes it to the cover of Nature Nanotechnology
- 24/10 JFR appointed Director of the Department of Quantum Materials, Science and Technologies at INL.
- 13-14/10 JFR attends the meeting of the board of editors of 2D Materials at the National Graphene Institute, in Manchester, and visits SPINOGRAPH partners.
- 3/10 New publication "Competition between quantum spin tunnelling and Kondo effect", with David Jacob, in The European Physical Journal B
- 30/9 JFR gives invited talk in Workshop on Theory Workshop on Solid State Physics, in EWHA University, Seoul.
- 13-14/9 JFR organizes workshop on "Quantum Materials and Quantum Technologies" at INL (Braga, Portugal) and gives opening talk (20m).
- 13/9 New publication "Engineering spin exchange in nonbipartite graphene zigzag edges", with Ricardo Ortíz, José Lado and Manuel Melle-Franco, in Physical Review B
- 13/9 New Publication "Landau levels in 2D materials using Wannier Hamiltonians obtained by first principles" in 2DMaterials
- 6/9 JFR gives lecture (105m) "Spin coherence in magnetic adatoms: what it is and how to use it" at the workshop "Spins on Surfaces" in San Sebastian (Spain). J. L. Lado gives invited talk (30m) "Engineering exchange in functionalized graphene ribbons" in the same workshop.
- 2/9 Ricardo Ortíz, UA master students, defends successfully his Master Thesis "Electronic Properties of Magnetic Nanographene"
- 29/7 Physics Today on our atomic kilobyte : "News publications place "A kilobyte rewritable atomic memory" within physics history". We are proud of this one.
- 22/7 José Luis Lado defends successfully his PhD thesis at the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela and obtain his PhD degree. Congratulations !.
- 19/7 Our Nature Nano publication receives great international media attention, in reputable media such as The Economist, Wall Street Journal, BBC, Der Spiegel, El País, El Mundo, as well as scientific magazines (Science, Nature, Nature Nanotechnology )
- 18/7 New Publication " A kilobyte rewritable atomic memory" in Nature Nanotechnology
- 01/7 JFR gives speech (5m) in the Ceremony of signature of the Memorandum of Understanding to create the Joint Laboratory on Quantum Technologies and Quantum Materials between Univ. Minho and INL, in the presence of the portuguese Ministry of Science, in Braga (Portugal).
- 29/6 JFR gives invited talk (45+15m) about "Topological phases induced by skyrmions" in the workshop "Spin orbit coupling and topology" in Spetses, Greece.
- 20/5 New publication "Centimeter-Scale Synthesis of Ultrathin Layered MoO3 by van der Waals Epitaxy" in Chemistry of Materials
- 6/5 Our 2015 paper in New Journal of Physics "Derivation of the spin Hamiltonians for Fe in MgO", with Alejandro Ferrón and Fernando Delgado, has been selected as hidden gem paper by the journal.
- 4/5 JFR attends the "Segundo Foro de Tecnologías Cuánticas" at the Spanish Ministry of Economy, in Madrid
- 21/4 JFR gives invited talk on the Meeting of the Korean Physical Society, in Daejon
- 19/4 JFR gives an invited talk on "Quantum Nanoscience, a theory perspective" in the Quantum Nanoscience workshop in Ewha University, Seoul, South Korea.
- 19/4 New publication "Topological spin waves in the atomic-scale magnetic skyrmioncrystal" in New Journal of Physics
- 30/3 New publication "Unconventional Yu–Shiba–Rusinov states in hydrogenated graphene" in 2D Materials
- 14-18/3 José Luis Lado and Noel García present their results at the APS March Meeting, in Baltimore
- 7-11/3 Fernando Delgado (UPV-CSIC) visits JFR
- 15-19/2 JFR attends NanoPT 2016 conference in INL (Braga, Portugal)
- 1-5/2 Fernando Delgado (UPV-CSIC) visits JFR
- 24/1 JFR elected vice-president of the board of direction of GEFES (Solid State Group of the Spanish Royal Society of Physics)
- 19/1 JFR lectures 6 hours about nanomagnetism and nano-optics in the Molecular Nanoscience Master, in Valladolid (Spain).
- 13-15/1 JFR, José Lado and Noel García attend IX GEFES meeting in Cuenca (Spain). José Lado gives a talk on Shiba states in graphene and Noel García presents a poster on hydrogenated graphene magnetism.
- 12/1 JFR coordinates submission of Marie Curie ITN proposal
- 4/1 Bruno Amorim is hired as PhD student at my group at INL. Welcome!
- 23/12 New publication "Quantum fluctuations stabilize skyrmion textures" in Physical Review B
- 15/12 New publication "Majorana Zero Modes in Graphene" in Physical Review X, featured in Physics.
- 15/12 Luis González (IMDEA) visits the group for 3 days
- 4/12 JFR gives invited talk "Graphene based nuclear spin quantum computer" in workshop on 2D Materials, in Valencia, December 3-4 2015
- 25-27/11 Francesca Finnochiaro (IMDEA) visits the group
- 12/11 Ricardo Ortíz starts his Master Thesis work in the group.
- 9/11 New publication on "Electronic properties of transition metal atoms on Cu2N/Cu(100)" in Physical Review B
- 1-30/11 Iker Gallardo (UFM, UPV-CSIC) visits the group for one month
- 22/10 JFR lectures 4 hours on molecular nanomagnetism, in Molecular nanoscience Master, in Alicante
- 13-16/10 JFR participates in selection committee for permanent position in CSIC, in Madrid
- 20-26/9 J. L. Lado and JFR participate in workshop at IBM research centre, in Almaden, California. JFR gives invited 60m talk on "Atomic Scale Magnetism: deriving spin models from DFT calculations"
- 21/9 New publication on "Quantum anomalous Hall effect in graphene coupled to skyrmions"in Physical Review B
- 14/9 New publication in Nano Letters (second this year !)
- 7-11/9 Noel García gives talk in SPINICUR School, at INL (Braga, Portugal). J. L. Lado presents poster in same event
- 17-20/8 SPICE Workshop "Magnetic adatoms as building blocks for quantum magnetism", co-organized by JFR, takes place in Mainz (Germany). Noel García and José Lado presented their results.
- 22/8 Alejandro Ferrón returns to Argentina after two years working with us at INL.
- 11/8 New publication in Synthetic Metals
- 7/8 New publication in Nano Letters
- 16/7 JFR gives 30m invited talk on "Quantum Anomalous Hall effect in graphene coupled to skyrmons", in the Workshop "Interaction effects in graphene and related materials" , in San Sebastian, Spain. N. García and J. L. Lado present posters on the same event.
- 12/7 JFR gives a 50m invited lecture "Atomic scale magnets as open quantum systems" at the XXII International Summer School "Nicolás Cabrera " NEW DIRECTIONS IN SPINTRONICS AND NANOMAGNETISM", in Miraflores, Madrid, Spain. Alejandro Ferrón presents poster on the same event.
- 10/7 JFR gives 30m invited talk at the 20th International Conference of Magnetism, in Barcelona. Alejandro Ferrón gives contributed talk on the same event.
- 30/6 New publication in Physical Review B
- 25-26/6 JFR gives 30m talk in the workshop NANOSIMEX, in University of Alicante. J. L. Lado and N. García give 15m talk each.
- 18/6 SPINPOGRAPH Mid term review in Bruxelles: JFR, N. García and J. L. Lado present their results.
- 13/5 JFR gives invited talk at e-MRS (Lille, France) on "Robust Orbital Nanomagnetism in topological semiconductor Nanostructures"
- May-June: Francesca Finnochiaro and Luis González, SPINOGRAPH fellows from IMDEA, visit the group
- 16/3-19/3 JFR invited one week at the London Center for Nanotechnology (LCN) by the UCLQ. JFR imparts seminar "Robust Orbital Nanomagnets"
- 12/3 New publication in New Journal of Physics
- 9/3 New publication in European Physics Letters
- 2/3-6/3 A. Ferrón, J.L. Lado and N. García attend APS March Meeting in San Antonio and present their results.
- 2/3-6/3 Fernando Delgado visits JFR.
- 29/1 JFR submits proposals to FCT
- 22/1 JFR gives 30m invited talk about "Designer Nanomagnets" in IUMA workshop (Instituto Universitario de Materiales) at Universidad de Alicante (Spain)
- 20-23/1 Pawel Potasz visits JFR.
- 13/1 JFR coordinates submission of Marie Curie ITN proposal
- 7-11/1 José Lado attends 9th International Conference on Computational Physics, in the National University of Singapore and give 30m invited talk "User friendly quantum transport in magnetic graphene bars: Landauer @ non-collinear selfconsistent calculations"
- 8/12-12/12 JFR, Noel García and José Lado attend 2nd Spinograph School in Aachen. Noel and José give 30m talks on their research projects.
- 5/12 JFR gives invited seminar "Designer Nanomagnets" at IFIMAC (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
- 4/12 JFR gives internal seminar at INL about 5 year strategy of theory group
- 17/11-21/11 JFR invited one week at the London Center for Nanotechnology (LCN) by the UCLQ. JFR imparts seminar "Magnetic Graphene", available in Youtube
- 13/11 JFR gives invited seminar "Magnetic graphene" on the Institute fur Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany.
- 7/11 JFR gives invited seminar "Electronic properties of nanographenes" at CIQUS, Universidad de Santiago, Spain
- 1/11 Pawel Potasz returns to his position in Wroclaw
- 1/11 Fernando Delgado starts at his new position as Ikerbasque fellow
- 29/10 JFR gives invited talk about "Orbital Nanomagnets" in 2D Materials workshop, in Gandia, Spain
- 27/10 JFR gives keynote speaker talk about "Designer Nanomagnets" in TNT2014, in Barcelona, Spain.
- 23-24/10 JFR lectures 6 hours in the Molecular Nanoscience master, in Valencia, Spain
- 20-10/25-11 J. L. Lado visits the group of Paco Guinea at ICMM-CSIC for collaborative research within SPINOGRAPH
- 21-10/10 New publication in Physical Review B
- 6-10/10 J. L. Lado and N. García present their work at the "Correlations, criticality, and coherence in quantum systems" workshop, Evora, Portugal. JFR attends the workshop as part of the scientific committee.
- 26/9 JFR attends the meeting of the Board of directors of the RSEF
- 25/9 JFR gives 15m talk about "Atomic Scale Electronics" at INL-Argentina meeting, at INL.
- 11-12/9 JFR gives invited talk at the DIPC SPM week in San Sebastian (Spain)
- 25-29/8 J. L. Lado and N. García attend SPINOGRAPH event in Groningen
- 25/8 JFR gives talk at the CMD25/JMC14 conference in Paris
- 31/7- 8/8 José Lado attends EXCITING workshop in Berlin
- 31/7 and 3/8 Jhon W. González visits the group
- 30/7 JFR participates, via teleconference, on the PhD committee of Alejandro Roldán Molina (Universidad Pontificia de Chile)
- 24/7 Our designer spin waves make it to cover of Nature Materials
- 23/7 New publication in Surface Science
- 16/7 JFR gives invited talk at the 5th SP-STM conference, Huron, Ohio, July 15-19
- 14/7 JFR gives a seminar at ICMM-CSIC (Madrid)
- 10/7 New publication in Physical Review Letters
- 7/7 Fernando Delgado is awarded a Ikerbasque Research Fellow 5 year position
- 6/7 New publication in Nature Materials
- 16/6-20/6 N. García attends Quantum Espresso Workshop in Penn State Universtiy
- 6/5-9/5 N. García and J. Lado present their results at Graphene 2014 conference in Toulouse
- 2/5 Pawel Potasz joins the group for a 6 month postdoc.
- 22/4 JFR gives invited talk at MRS spring meeting, San Francisco
- 25-28/3 1st SPINOGRAPH school held at INL. JFR imparts simulation class.
- 24/3 SPINOGRAPH Kick-off Meeting held at INL
- 14/3 JFR attends the meeting of the Board of directors of the RSEF
- 3/3-7/3 F. Delgado and J. Lado present their results at the APS March Meeting in Denver
- 28/2 JFR becomes member of the Editorial Board of 2D Materials
- 14/2 JFR gives lecture at "New Frontiers in Magnetism" school at Benasque
- 13/2 JFR gives seminar at Instituto Catalán de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología (ICN2), Barcelona.
- 6/2 JFR gives seminar at London Center for Nanotechnology
- 5/2 New publication in Physical Review B
- 24/1 J. Lado obtains an award to the best posters in VIII GEFES meeting.
- 22-24/1 F. Delgado, A. Ferrón and J. Lado present their results at the VIII GEFES meeting, in Ciudad Real (Spain)
- 14/1 JFR gives presentation at INL during visit of spanish Secretary of State.
- 7/1 David Jacob visits the group for 3 days
- 1/1 Noel García joins the group, through a ESR position within SPINOGRAPH.
- 30/12 Krzysztof Kosmider leaves the group, and moves to a postdoc position at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- 23/12 New publication in Physical Review B
- 13/12 Daniel Gosálbez obtains his PhD degree (Univ. Alicante).
- 8/12 New publication in Nature Nanotechnology
- 11/11 Fernando Delgado gives invited talk in Bad-Honnef workshop
- 16/10 JFR gives Colloquium and condensed matter seminar at IST, in Lisbon.
- 14/10 New publication in Physical Review Letters
- 01/10 José Lado joins the group, through a ESR position within SPINOGRAPH
- 20/09 New publication in Physical Review B
- 17/09 Alejandro Ferrón joins the group
- 17/09 Prof. A. Núñez (U. Chile) and Maria José Santander (U. Chile) visit the group for 2 weeks
- 15/09 Jhon González leaves the group and moves to his new position in San Sebastian
- 01/09 SPINOGRAPH Marie Curie Initial Training Network starts
- 31/07 New publication in Physical Review B
- 19/07 Elected member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Royal Society
- 17/07-18/07 JFR organizes Symposium at RSEF Meeting "Electronic properties of semiconductors, graphene and two dimensional crystals".
- 8/07-12/07 JFR lectures at Spin and Charge Dynamics School in Cluj (Rumania)
- 18/06 JFR gives talk in Workshop "Portugal and the graphene flagship", U. Minho, braga
- 10/06-14/06 JFR gives invited talk at "Novel 2D materials" workshop, in Bremen.
- 22/05 New publication in Nature Materials
- 21/05-23/05 JFR gives invited talk at "Nanostructured Graphene", Antwerp (Belgium)
- 15/05 JFR gives Colloquium at U. Minho, Braga.
- 25/04 JFR gives talk in Graphene-2013 (ImagineNano), Bilbao.
- 23/04 New publication in Physical Review Letters
- 28/02 New publication in Physical Review B
- 20/02 New publication in Physical Review B
- 13/02-15/02 JFR gives Keynote talk at NanoPortugal 2013 and J. W. González gives contributed talk.
- 11/02 New publication in Applied Physics Letters
- 13/01 Prof. Simone Fratini (Institute Neel, CNRS, Grenoble) visits the group for 1 week